Saturday, October 22, 2011

Meaning of The Months


  1. January Januarius (Latin), after Janus, the Roman God who faces two ways and was often represented on doorw.
  2. February Februarius (Latin), taken from Februa, a purification rite that took place on Feb 15th.
  3. March Martius (Latin), named after Mars, the Roman God of War.
  4. April Aprilis (Latin) “to open” : blossoming flowers.
  5. May Maius (larin), after the goddess Maia or “majores” (‘elders’) and referring to a period when older people were honored.
  6. June Junius(Latin), named after the goddess Jno or “iuniores (young people) indicating a period when youth was celebrated.
  7. July Named after Gaius Julius Caesar.
  8. August Named after Augustus Caesar, the first Roman Emperor.
  9. September Septem (Latin), meaning ‘seven’ originally the 7th month in the Roman calendar.
  10. October Octo (Latin), meaning ‘eight’ originally the 8th month in the Roman calendar.
  11. November Novem (Latin), meaning ‘nine’ originally the 9th month in the Roman calendar.
  12. December Decem (Latin) meaning ‘ten’ originally the 10th month in the Roman calendar.
